Results for "L"

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  Title Copies
Lewitt, Sol - The Location of Lines 
Year: 1974 
Latham, John - Least event, one second drawings, blind work, 24 second painting 
Year: 1970 
Law, Bob - 16 Drawings 
Year: 1971 
Latham, John: Early Works 1954-1972 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 0947830111 
ISBN 13: 9780947830113 
LeWitt, Sol - Open Geometric Structures 
Year: 1979 
LeWitt, Sol - Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour 
Year: 1971 
Lisson Multiples 
Year: 1969 
Like Tears in Rain 
Year: 2010 
Louisiana Revy 1970 
Year: 1970 
Louisiana - A pictorial reportage 
Year: 1980